The spine and the pelvis are the centre of the body. Everything emanates from here, including most pains and illnesses. Evry body mouvement is spine-related and indeed pelvis-related, as the pelvis is the supporting foundation of the spine. The jointed vertebrae that partially comprise the spine allow the body to move easily, but equally it is a fragile architecture and the spine also experiences frequent deviations. Any such deviation usually begins with repetitive body movements on either the right or left side. If the spine and the pelvis both experience deviation, then the legs, which essentially support the body, can suffer imbalance to the point where even simple walking becomes uncomfortable. Our muscles are carries of the pressures affecting the spine and pelvis. If the spine and the pelvis deviate, it means that the muscles attached to these structures have contracted abnormally. It is important to recognise and correct this situation as spinal or pelvic deviations cause us pain and can give rise to numerous other complaints or illnesses caused by compression of associated nerves and blood vessels. This process of deviation is reversible. Straightening the spine and pelvis by relaxing dorsal muscular tensions restores skeletal balance and most related pains and illnesses then disappear. But, understanding how the skeleton has become distorted is fundamental to re-establishing bodily balance. In principle, skeletal posture distorts due either to imbalance of our body weight distribution, or due to muscular tension caused by repetitive movements.

As the pelvis is located at the base of the spine, it directly supports all our upper body weight; this substantial load is then divided equally between the right and left legs at the level of the pelvis. More precisely, distribution of the body weight is devided in two at the level of the right and left sacroiliac joints, both of which are crucial support points. We all have a tendency to favour one side of our body more than the other when it comes to weight distibution, although we may not always be conscious of it. If our body weight is placed more on the right side, then the right sacroiliac joint shifts. In consequence, the sacrum moves forward on the right side and the right hipbone moves backwards and upwards. Thus, pelvic distortion occurs on the right side while at the same time, the muscles attached to the sacrum and the right hipbone become contracted. As the skeleton is composed of numerous, jointed pieces i.e. bones, the whole structure moves as an engaged, locomotive device. If the pelvis is distorted on one side, it can affect the corresponding hip, knee or ankle joint and the affected joint may then move out of its normal alignment. Consequently, a tendon attached to the joint becomes inflamed. The shift of the joint pulls the inflamed tendon upon movement (e.g. walking), causing hip, knee or ankle pain.

The mechanisation of our society increasingly encourages repetitive body movements; such movements cause muscular tensions and consequently, skeletal distortions. For exemple, working regularly with a computer often creates tension in muscles (upper trapezius, angular, rhomboid) in the right-side, dorsal part for right-handers, because users often apply slightly more force with the right hand than they do with their left. This muscular tension compresses the spine which then deviates forword on the right side. Then, in general, the right collarbone moves forward and the right scapula moves backwards. Thus, the scapular belt (formed of the scapulae, collarbones and sternum) becomes distorted on the right side. As the whole skeleton moves as an engaged device, the distorted scapular belt can adversely affect the shoulder, elbow or wrist joint on the right side. One or more of the affected joints may then move out of its normal alignment. Consequently, a tendon attached to the joint becomes inflamed. The shift of the joint pulls the inflamed tendon upon movement and pain is experienced in the shoulder, elbow or wrist/hand.


The mark 'MYO-ENERGETICS' is registered in Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market by Hiroshi Iwaoka, creator of Myo-Energetics.